Harry Gosling Primary School

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Harry Gosling Primary School, Fairclough Street, London, E1 1NT


020 748 11650

Harry Gosling Primary School

EYFS OPEN DAYS - 17th December 2024 at 4:00pm, 7th January 2025 at 4:00pm and 9th January 2025 at 9:00am

  1. Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Overview

Harry Gosling Curriculum

The Vision for the Harry Gosling Curriculum

We aim to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to be motivated, confident and successful global citizens, and leave Harry Gosling ready to be a force for good and to make a positive contribution to the world

We all share our school motto: ‘Learning to shine in everything we do.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is ambitious and rigorous, ensuring that children’s knowledge and skills build as they progress through the school, and prepares them for their secondary curriculum. It is rooted in the principles of cognitive science. The curriculum is series of carefully mapped sequences of learning, and pedagogical approaches within lessons echo these principles.

The curriculum is structured through 6 ‘strands.’ Each strand has been developed to ensure that our curriculum is meaningful and relevant for our children and community. Within each strand the curriculum is mapped into ‘topic- based’ units, with clear links made between all disciplines of the National Curriculum. Units are organised and explored through umbrella ‘big questions.’ We take account of our children’s academic, social and economic starting points. It is a priority at Harry Gosling that children’s self-confidence, social skills and social and cultural capital are promoted. The curriculum builds children’s knowledge as well as supporting their personal, moral, emotional and social development. Careful selection of units and themes promotes children’s understanding of a range of interesting topics based in the UK and around the world. Learning is enriched through trips and working with ‘experts’ such as local artists and visiting musicians.

Our curriculum is structured around the following 6 strands:

Identity and Belonging:

Within this strand, children learn about the area in which they live, places that are special to them and what it means to be part of a community.


Rights and Responsibilities:

Within this strand, the children learn that they have rights and how to exercise these rights. The children also learn that with rights, comes responsibilities. They learnt that this involves taking responsibility for themselves and their health but also other people and things around them. As part of this strand we have a whole school ‘Unity Week.’


Changing Britain

Within this strand, children develop their understanding of the history of Britain and how it has changed over time. They learn about significant events and how these events have shaped modern Britain.


The Wider World

Within this strand, the children develop their understanding of countries and cultures across the globe. Each year, the children learn about a different country or area of the world. As part of this strand we hold our annual ‘International Festival.’


Our Wonderful Planet

Within this strand, the children learn about how to look after and take responsibility for our planet. They learn about why nature is important and the impact that humans have on the environment.


Innovation and Creativity

Within this strand, the children learn about the importance of innovation and creativity in driving advancements in the modern world. This may include developments in how people live, travel and the achievements of different societies.

Please click on the overviews below to see the yearly plan for each year group.

EYFS Curriculum Overview

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

For more information about the Harry Gosling curriculum, please contact Elizabeth Willis, Assistant Head Teacher.