Harry Gosling Primary School

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Harry Gosling Primary School, Fairclough Street, London, E1 1NT


020 748 11650

Harry Gosling Primary School

EYFS OPEN DAYS - 17th December 2024 at 4:00pm, 7th January 2025 at 4:00pm and 9th January 2025 at 9:00am

  1. Curriculum
  2. Geography



At Harry Gosling we aim to inspire our pupils with a curiosity about the world and its people. We aim to provide our children with the opportunities to become global citizens, deepening their interest and wonder by exploring and understanding their position in a global setting. Our curriculum is designed to develop children’s understanding about people (human), places (locational; place) and the environment (physical) and how this impacts their lives and the world. The children are encouraged to develop a sense of their world at the local, national and global scales; understanding the interconnections between how people and the environment interact. We take into account the different cultural heritages of our children, ensuring we provide children the study of their own personal geographies and experiences within lessons. Ultimately, this helps children to become a ‘force for good’ as they are able to develop a geographical perspective on contemporary challenges such as climate change and energy choices.


How Geography is taught:

Our lessons facilitate learning through geographical enquiry and encouraging children to link their learning to every day experiences. The children are taught a range of skills in relevant contexts in order to explore the topics for themselves. These skills include handling data through fieldwork, interpreting sources including maps, diagrams and aerial photos, and communicating geographical information. We are developing our use of fieldwork, so pupils can learn to think critically, use maps, data collection techniques, technology and analyse information. We build inclusive classrooms, where all students are encouraged to cooperate with and support one another. Everyone’s ideas are valued and we respect difference. An individualised curriculum is designed where necessary to support individual progress for children with SEN. 

Knowledge and Skills Progressions:

Please click on the link below to see the specific skills and knowledge that are covered in each year group.

Geography Progression Document